

Diagnosed in 2012

I was diagnosed in 2012 after a lot of mixed things happening to my body, my pupil exploded my eardrum collapsed, live with bad tinnitus now, pain didn’t let me move for quite some time even tho I worked full time, the dizziness and numbness lack of sleep and over sleeping you all know what am talking about, the hardest one for me was putting my chest pain down to an MS HUG when it wasn’t it was a heart attack followed by a triple bypass,, I don’t drink smoke or take drugs not even for MS I am strong believer in you are what you eat etc so trying to eat clean now more so,, BUT I always say it’s like playing darts in the dark,, you never know what’s coming next,? I stay as positive as I can, let’s say u have been pushed over the line quite a lot in life,, so I try to rely on just me now, x I stay as positive as I can as my saying is NO ONES COMING TO SAVE YOU! X I am now 52 and medically finished off work what I found hardest as I have always worked but sometimes with the no sleep etc I am thankful x waiting for a hip operation now so fingers crossed they hurry up xx stay positive all xx love me xx
Liverpool, United Kingdom