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Treatment side effects

I had my first infusion of tysbri a week ago and I have such a sore through and chest feels tight, I’m asthmatic and feel like I have a chest infection, called my GP this morning and can’t be see at urgent care untill the 27th December, Had anyone had any side effects from it or have I just picked up a bug I don’t know what to do

I have been on Tysabri for several years and I can honestly say that I never had any type of reaction or anything at all that even made me think that there was a DIP in my immune functioning surrounding the shot. My untrained opinion is that perhaps you just caught a random cold. Do you have Teledoc or a similar service where they will host an appointment by phone? You shouldn’t have to wait until after Christmas for help! Hope you are feeling better soon.


@Criscross21 I can actually go to the urgent care centre and sit there untill they will see me at least this way I will actually get seen on the time they gave me, it I don’t feel any better tomorrow I will go into a&e