Stressed annoyed. I exercise 4 to 5 times a week I eat healthy i try and walk about afew times a week not easy when relying on chair. I do not drink alcohol more then once a month. I drink more water then a fish but I cannot get below 86kg bmi 21. I know meds affects body but I do core exercises that my body allows and eat healthy teas and do 18/6 fasting I'm 45 Yr old 6ft 1" stuck between 34 and 32 waist. Sometimes I feel like going down the pub having a dozen or so Guinness and a fat cheese burger lol. The effort does not seem to hit a reward I'm going for
Join the club! I guess in the 6h/day that you do eat, minimise sugar and fat. Eg. Swap crisps for Bananas, swap sausage for Tuna, swap Frosties for special K. Smaller portions too. That's worked for me in the past.
@RC83 yes I do that healthy tea and maybe abit of fruit if I feel hungry in the evening but mainly black coffee and water. So probably more like 23/1 most days