Please someone help me here. Over the past few weeks I've had a new symptom. The only way I could describe it was like someone was getting a handful of stinging nettles and rolling them over my body. It was uncomfortable more than painful. I rode it out as I thought it wouldn't be a permanent thing, and after about a week it subsided. However 2 days ago it started again. This time it hurts. I really want to cry. Anything that touches my skin hurts. Clothes, bedding, even my hand/skin brushing skin hurts. I have a cold now too, and if I sneeze it's like being stabbed all over with pins. My dmt nurse said try antihistamines.i did that and they had no affect whatsoever. Im so unhappy and in pain right now. I'm assuming it's the MS coz i have Spinal Stenosis too but that normally makes my lower left side of my back, my hips, and my left leg hurt. This is different and as it's not happened before I don't know what to do other than cry. It doesn't matter how I lie, sit, stand. It won't stop!!
Sorry to hear your discomfort, horrible 😞 I don't have any useful advice apart from nag your MS nurse, keep on until you get the right help. Xxxx
I sometimes get prickly feelings in my feet but not that bad. Usually taking a warm shower eases things. Perhaps it’s worse due to your cold too? I’ve had worse symptoms during a virus and it does get better after I hope.