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Struggling with the diagnosis

Hello, I’m new here. I’m Susana, I was diagnosed in June 2024. During the last months I’ve been medicated to anxiety and, of course, having therapy. But, even I have support from my family, it’s a very lonely road where sometimes I’m ok, or even happy, and other times I just want cry and give up. I’m taking trisaby but I have a lot of symptoms that come randomly.. on those days… I just feel like giving up. Always struggled with weight but in 4 months I gain 10kg. There are days that I’m hyper alert to my body signals and recently find other orthopedic problems. Does someone went through this rough journey like that? Thanks to reading me

Hi Susana, I feel like it's a lonely road sometimes but it's important to never give up! If you feel lonely and still battle on then that makes you even stronger than you thought! Keep the faith 👊


Yes I have been in your shoes and still am ref the weight. CBT can be very effective long term so recommend you persevere with it. Looking back I think allot of my random symptoms mid diagnosis were probably independence of anything serious and would have happened anyway - I just noticed them as I was fixated.