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New here. Still learning about MS and the nightmare that it is

Hi I'm Alexis. I'm 39. Was diagnosed with remitting relaosing multiple sclerosis five years ago and it's come in and destroyed my world. No one in my family or my friends circle gets me anymore. They said I've changed 🙄

Of course you’ve changed. You had to adapt to living with MS, knowing you’ve got it for life and it’s not just a ‘cold’ you can shake in a week. It’s such a shame when people refuse to try and understand.


Few people will accept, the one that doesn’t take you, it is because they don’t the desease themselves, so it’s strange for them. Please take care of yourself. Take your dmt to slow progression of desease, change your diet, they are many diets for Ms, find the one that works for you to be able to avoid symptoms, exercise frequently to help your brain and the myelin, and meditate so you can have enough strength for this road. We all that are still young have a long way to go. Meditation gives you strength and self confidence.