Marriage breakdown
Hey guys, I know this isn't completely ms related but I just need some advice here😞 and sorry that this is so long😂
I've been with my husband for almost 9 years (married for almost 6) we have had our ups and downs in our relationship. My husband is not an emotional person, where as I am. This has caused alot of arguing bug we were seeming to turn a corner...
Yesterday I was having a really bad day where I could barely move, I was being sick in the toilet and my husband left me to take care of our 1 year old while he went off to work. He works as a plumber and works quite far away most days.
I do understand that he has to work and that he has commitments to work, but I have spoken to him about lowering his hours or maybe switching to a different job so that he is more local in case he needs to look after his children when I can't. I told him that this would be temporary until the kids were in school (one of them already is in school) but he was very adamant that his career was very important which again I understand, but in my head if he had ms and struggled as much as I did, I would do anything for him because I love him....
He is the sort of person who is very defensive in arguments and can't deal with my emotions, everytime I cry he walks away and leaves me to cry on my own, he argues whenever I bring up something that has upset me, instead of talking.
I love him but the tension in our home is too much for me to handle, it's making me sick with the stress. I told him to leave last night and now my eldest is asking for his daddy and my husband is angry because he thinks that I don't want him to work.
Am I in the wrong here? Am I asking too much? The idea of divorcing is tearing me up but I don't know how l9ng I can continue this pattern when he is not willing to compromise😞
I'm sorry your going through this. Having ms is a hard enough struggle. I can only speak from my experience and when my first marriage failed I hit rock bottom. I met someone else and we married and have a 20 year old son. Although I didn't realise at the time me and my ex-husband getting divorced then gave me a second chance. Think about what's best for you your worth it. Take care
Listen to your heart, but please change your diet, you will be able to do everything you use to do before and the level of fatigue will decrease. When you get divorced, you must be able to take care of yourself, I mean handle yourself on your own, before you meet someone else. But the only way you will be able, will be changing your diet.