
I get 'ya 🤗 With being Mentally burnt out !! !! You get New Symptoms DAILY ? Now that is really SAD 😔 to hear !! You really have NO ONE around to TALK to ? NO ONE to VENT with ? NOT A big shoulder to CRY on ?? This is NOT GOOD 😐 You NEED to EXPRESS all the CRAP that's going on inside of you No wonder you FEEL every (even the tiniest symptoms) day in and day out How do you pre - occupy yourself to give your mind ✨️ a BREAK ? ? Or do you ever get a break 🤔 from your symptoms ? It's no wonder you FEEL so MENTALLY ALONE 😔 🙁 😞 If you had people to talk to --- COULD you WOULD you ?? I myself find it difficult to make myself open up to family & friends if I've been ISOLATING Which I HAVE TO DO alot cause too much Noise, Action, or too many people in one makes my head 🤕 My MENTAL STATE go STIR -CRAZY No ONE absolutely NO ONE understands what goes on in my brain when it SNAPS or WANTS TO GET AWAY from everything and everybody !!! !!! It HURTS alot when I get all worked up & CONFUSED --- I get to a point where I don't know which way is up or down OR left or right !??! MENTAL ILLNESS is a VERY PAINFUL --- Do you get what I mean ?? Some days (for me) there is nothing better than being home alone, in silence and have taken my dose of BENZOS CALM the NERVES down type of med 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 Well Keith I WILL REACH OUT TO YOU AGAIN But in the meantime and in-between time DON'T LAUGH 😆 !! Myself, My Husband & our 30 yr old SON **WHO BY THE WAY** is an ORDAINED PASTOR At the biggest church in our huge Hamlet 🙏 ARE GOING TO START PRAYING FOR Y O U and this will in confidence get around all types of CHURCHFOLK and We Will Start A PRAYER CHAIN 🫡 Get it ? Got it ? G O O D ✨️


contact the MS charity in your area as they will give you a buddy. I wish I did a buddy when I was first diagnosed, just the vent I did it seven months later.