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Has anyone else noticed this?šŸ‘€

Hey hey lovely people, Iā€™m suspected of having MS, and the NHS has fobbed me off for years claiming ā€œMigrainesā€ or the most recent explanation being itā€™s psychological and not physiological. Iā€™ve lost faith in them if Iā€™m honest, hence Iā€™m about to go into debt for private diagnosis and possibly treatmentšŸ„ŗ That aside, has anyone else developed another autoimmune condition while dealing with MS? Iā€™ve developed vitiligo. I would say out of the blue, but I really donā€™t know when I started changing colour. My partner pointed it out. before that I thought I was just dealing with the usual MS symptoms. Is the development of vitiligo somehow related to possibly having MS, as theyā€™re both autoimmune diseases? Iā€™m still trying to come to terms with the unpredictability of my symptoms, and new ones just seem to sprout every so often.

Most forms of autoimmune disease are associated with MS. With vitiligo the link isnā€™t strong but itā€™s there. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11314208/ Hopefully you can see the article above. If you get diagnosed privately via an MRI and LP, you will qualify for treatment on the NHS. Paying for it yourself even for the cheapest ā€œeffectiveā€ form (eg. tecfidera)would set you back 10 grand a year-ish. But youā€™ll need a positive MRI and possibly a lumbar puncture as well to get a diagnosis, even privately. Hope you get the answers youā€™re looking for.


@mellowmedusa 10k?! I choose suffering in that casešŸ˜… thank you for the advice, Iā€™m going to start the private referral process for diagnosis tomorrowšŸ„°