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My first dose of Ocrevus Infusion

31.01.2025 I went into the hospital for my first infusion. If I’m honest, I went in not really knowing what to expect. The nurses talked me through the process, I asked a few questions, and I had to sign a consent form to confirm that I understood everything that had been explained to me. I was asked to provide a urine sample. Then, they inserted a cannula into my arm and flushed it with fluids to ensure it was working properly. Before the infusion, I was offered paracetamol to take orally. I was then given an antihistamine through the cannula, which I was warned might make me drowsy. Next, I received a steroid through the cannula, which was administered over 30 minutes. After that, the Ocrevus infusion started at a slow rate. However, I experienced a side effect—an itchy throat—so the nurses stopped the infusion for about 10–15 minutes to see if the itchiness would subside. When it did, they resumed the infusion. Unfortunately, the itchiness in my throat worsened, so I informed the nurses. They stopped the infusion again and gave me more antihistamines through the cannula. That caused a stinging sensation in my arm, so they had to flush it with saline, which stopped the stinging. Again a little time had to pass before, they resumed the infusion. The nurses were really attentive, checking my temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate every 30 minutes. I tried to sleep, but with the frequent observations, it was difficult. It’s a long and slow process, but it has to be done carefully to monitor for side effects. The sooner you report any issues, the quicker they can react. One of the nurses mentioned that some people don’t inform them soon enough, and by then, the infusion has to be stopped completely. To pass the time, I watched films on my phone. Drinks and biscuits were offered if needed. Once the infusion was finished, I received a sodium chloride flush over a period of 30 minutes. I was in the hospital from 10:00 until 16:00. The following day, I woke up with a headache, and my body felt quite heavy. To make things worse, I also came down with a cough and cold. I wanted to share this because I couldn’t find a detailed breakdown of what to expect on the day. I hope this helps anyone who may be preparing for their first infusion.

I would worry about the allergic reaction, and really think on continuing


I had my first dose yesterday, all went pretty straightforward, no reactions etc. Feeling ok today, well as ok as can be expected considering I'm having a bit of a relapse at the minute 😏