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Charity Number: 1117194 (England and Wales)
Registered Company: 06000961
Registered address:
Shift.ms, Platform, New Station Street, LS1 4JB, United Kingdom
London office:
Shift.ms, Somerset House, Strand, West Goods Entrance, London WC2R 1LA, United Kingdom
©2024 Shift.ms
I've struggled with tension headaches for years. Pain is really bad behind my eyes sometimes. I've woken up with pain sometimes already there. Some days I've lived off alternate paracetamol/ibuprofen every 2 hours. My relapses are double vision, so I do have problems with my eyes 😔😔
Everyday. Have one right now. I don’t think I’ve had a day in the past decade without some kind of headache, eye pain or head pain in general. Treat it like you would a migraine. When I get really to that point of I might lost my mind I put Deep heat on my temples. (Not that I’m saying to do that….lol…but for a few minutes my mind is elsewhere)