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Just need advice only just been diagnosed with ms and very confused. I didn’t know ms comes in 3 different stages and I was told I’m in the RRMS stage but I’m hurting off balanced and tried all the time can the stages change at any time

Same with me. The balance problem is residual of the damage pre-diagnosis and tiredness I guess is when we push against our weak muscles.


Do u mind if I ask you how the balance affects you ? Is it like you are on a boat feeling floaty , like it’s in your eyes and not your feet ? Like walking on sponge ? Reason I ask is 3 yrs ago I was under ear nose & throat for vestibular issues making me floaty ( initially labyrinthitis ) then fast forward to now last week having the ms diagnosis . Still don’t know if it’s connected neuro just said to see if the treatment fix’s the floaty 🤷‍♀️🫤. If you could describe how ur balance feels to you ?