Just need advice only just been diagnosed with ms and very confused. I didn’t know ms comes in 3 different stages and I was told I’m in the RRMS stage but I’m hurting off balanced and tried all the time can the stages change at any time
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Same with me. The balance problem is residual of the damage pre-diagnosis and tiredness I guess is when we push against our weak muscles.
Do u mind if I ask you how the balance affects you ? Is it like you are on a boat feeling floaty , like it’s in your eyes and not your feet ? Like walking on sponge ? Reason I ask is 3 yrs ago I was under ear nose & throat for vestibular issues making me floaty ( initially labyrinthitis ) then fast forward to now last week having the ms diagnosis . Still don’t know if it’s connected neuro just said to see if the treatment fix’s the floaty 🤷♀️🫤. If you could describe how ur balance feels to you ?