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Lost MRI

I was diagnosed with MS after a MRI scan in Gloucestershire Hospital via letter and was basically left hanging. In the interim I moved to Birmingham and re-registered GP and they quickly had me in with a neurologist, MS nurse and took my case to board to discuss and consider treatment options. All in the space of 3 months. I received a letter from my neurologist to say that (I very luckily) have been approved for Kesimpta, however they can not retrieve my MRI from Gloucestershire hospitals so I need to have another so they can have a starting point and confirmation of my diagnosis. I feel so grateful to have moved to such a great NHS but so annoyed that my initial MRI scan has been 'lost'. My mind is spiralling about if I do have MS and I am also 10 weeks in awaiting a decision for a critical illness claim. Has anyone else had a similar experience at all?

I had a real hassle with trying to transfer MRIs done in Scotland to NHS England as they use different systems. Ended up having to have fresh ones done and it took quite a while… at the time it was stressful, especially in the light of diagnosis for the dreaded MS - but it turned out fine and everything got sorted . Hang in there everything will work out fine !


It’s defo all tht I could think about at the time, so I very much understand. But you will look back very soon and laugh about it, don’t worry! Sounds like your in good hands now :)