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I had my first injection of it yesterday. A nurse came to my house and talked me through everything. I think I took it too early in the day. I felt terrible by dinner. Like the flu but 10 times worse. I lost my balance and fell but couldn't pick myself back up my body felt shut down. Had a bad night sleep. Does this happen every time you inject? I have to take it 3 times over 3 weeks before once a month!

Hi, Sorry to hear you’ve had a hard time. I’ve been on Kesimpta for 6 months now. I was told that with the first few injections you might feel pretty dreadful and it would get progressively better. I inject just before I go to sleep and stay in bed for at least the next morning (sometimes the day. It has improved.


yeh 1st one always like that it's was the same with the flu thing so I did mine before i went bed so I slept it off that's what I found best iv been on it 5 mouths now and the only time it made me feel bad was the 1st one injection before bed should be algood mate