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Ms and other disabilities

Does anyone else have MS along with other chronic disabilities? I am a survivor of PTSD and Ms. I often wonder if there is any predisposition to other nervous system anormalities and multiple sclerosis

Coeliac disease and temporal lobe epilepsy. The latter has been put down to stress, not MS. I can get behind that idea with life events occurring at the time....it's one big party here, hold the gluten 🤣 take care x


I'm high-functining Autistic w/ ADHD, and presumably that'd been the source of previously misdiagnosed anxiety and depressive disorders. MS comes with a bunch of comorbities, it's a thing. For most, it's hard to speak of predisposition, as it's more 'a predictor ' - statically, fewer people have MS than X, but amongst PwMS, more have X than in similar demographic samples of the gen. Pop. There seems to be a causal relationship between MS and anxiety and depression, which are symptoms of MS. For the rest, it's all corellation. Though I can imagine many an individual with chronic disease's interaction with the medical system for some form of trauma and sequelae - but even with an easy ride in the system, a DX is an open-faced trauma sandwich on horror bread. Also perhaps some observation bias in that PwMS will be more attuned to matters of mental health and neurotype.