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Charity Number: 1117194 (England and Wales)
Registered Company: 06000961
Registered address:
Shift.ms, Platform, New Station Street, LS1 4JB, United Kingdom
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Shift.ms, Somerset House, Strand, West Goods Entrance, London WC2R 1LA, United Kingdom
©2024 Shift.ms
I can't say I know what you're going through because I don't as you have it much more severe than me. It frustrates me to hear this is happening to you. It's worth having a chat with your doctor and telling them what you have told us and discussing some treatment / alternatives for your mental health. You deserve to be happier. I hope you improve.
@ElizabethAnd You are always listened to here. Vent away. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0a4SpBkCEwfH8wQcIH78BFnUQ