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Is my MS symptoms bec more frequent

Yes I am just sitting here and trying to think if my legs and arms are vibrating more as I can’t walk anymore so if out I am in one of my wheelchairs but I am due another transfusion on the 26th so I’ll say to them as yet again I don’t feel my latest drug is helping or doing its job yeh I am single as I don’t want to be in a relationship with all this quadruple pricess for flowers especially roses yes I am Scottish but I am definitely not a tight arse I am more bloody stupid with my benefits money I get so I’ve been diagnosed for the last 8/9 yrs with R and R MS so when first diagnosed I was told I would have to give up my job witch I done but I had always worked before MS stepped in so I’ve got all of the delights of day time tv I do aware they make it that garbage that anyone and everyone would want to work rather than sit in watching utterly shite tv so I just wonder what should be my next move as I feel that no one listens to you but I do always try and be positive in life rather than having the poor me’s witch does know one any good any ways ill shut up and hopefully someone can give me some advice please

It is so hard to be positive. I can appreciate your comments about watching TV. I have been unable to work since 2020. Yes, there are only so many things to do around the house. then, you are left watching TV—and most of it just sucks the life out of me. Right, at first, it is a great relief to be able to stay home and rest. And then it just becomes plain monotonous. I find that the days when I turn off the TV and only listen to music (I can borrow digital music off the library app…or through Spotify app). The days with MUSIC put me in a far better mood that when I sit like a zombie in front of the TV. Try more music in your life. You may even find other MSers who can recommend their favorite “lift me up” music!🎵


Thank you criscross21