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Is anyone suffering from two autoimmune conditions? I have MS and AS which can be challenging

I'd be interested to know if anyone else is suffering with 2 conditions at once and how are they coping?

I have MS and eczema which I'm pretty sure is an auto-immune condition. Interestingly, my eczema has been under control since I've started MS DMT's.


Hey @djcox, pfew, had to look it up to be honest. What a dirty lìttle bastard you have in your spine!. (I read it's mostely over there?) Sounded very painful. But to answer your question, yes. I also have a stenosis & hernia since i was 12 & 15. At 19 scoliosis and atrosis were detected. Later on two more hernias joined, and 2 shifting vertibrea, or as the neuro said, "they went for a walk in opposite directions". All chronic. I often daydream that some kind of little devil will approach me, offering a choice between keeping all back-problems, or carry on with ms. I know what i would choose.. You can keep my f*cking back, anytime! Until there's a relapse or some other severe MS -surprise ofcourse.. But yes, a real challange. And also yes, you knew that already. I don't have any advice really, other than keep a list or diary on all the symptoms you have. The triggers, how they feel, how long they occur, if they disappear spontaniously, or if you did someyhing to make that happen. If you feel pain, numbness, or other sensations. If so, what kind, intensity etc. And propebly some more things. This helped me to recognise what's what. Somewhat.. It doesn't work everytime. But when you're sitting in front of your neuro or ms-nurse, you won't get fobbed-off so easily, being told you thìnk it ms, but àctually... Or the other way around ofcourse. Either way not getting the treatment you need. And for yourself, knowing what causes/triggers the one or the other, makes you better understand the way your body works. A little. (Cliché, I know) It still frustrates me, you know. The fact a VERY bad back wasn't enough. They can just have a field-day toghether, one can make the other one worse. O tjeez, almost forgot, also have adhd, chronic anemia under my belt, and i have a bad case of tending falling in love with every belgian shepherd i see... 👊