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I used to be a very driven person that accomplished many things and had goals and wanted so much myself. Eversince I’ve gotten Ms i feel like I’ve lost so much of myself . I often feel like I just live for other ppl . I don’t have any goals ig . I just kind of live . I’m 23 years old and I don’t feel proud of myself at all . I almost feel like an extra / background person in everyone else’s lives . I just go with the flow often . I don’t have opinions anymore I just do what I feel other ppl may want . I just try to keep everyone else happy and it’s not self fulfilling at all Idk what to do

What used to drive you before? What smaller goals can you set yourself? Once you start achieving these smaller goals I’m sure it’ll relight your spark :)


I've tried to keep others happy for years and I n fact my (ex) husband told me I was being selfish. So now I am concentrating on me. Trying to go out when I can, I've stopped tip toeing (I can't actuallly) around my kids (teenagers) and am about to move and am looking forward to getting the house straight to suit me. Re goals. Just make one or two small ones a day. I still work (a little) and have had to give myself permission to stop relying to multi- task and that helps. One goal I have it to go out and meet a friend for coffee once a week. I also go to an MS therapy centre once a week which is my time and I also meet others and have got some good tips from them. Always try to look after yourself.