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Pneumococcal Vaccination

Quick question, I have just received a letter asking me to get this vaccination. Never had this before but I’m guessing it’s because I am on a DMT (Techfidera). I’ve only been diagnosed since Jan 24. Just wondering if anyone else has had to have additional vaccines, is this normal? Makes me sad sometimes that we have to do all these extra things, on top of managing the symptoms of MS. But I am also so incredibly grateful for our NHS and it’s great they are looking out for us. Xx

Ah yes ive had this one, As your DMT is going to deplete your immune system this one weeks you safe(er) from pneumonia etc. It's also recomended that you start getting the seasonal flu jabs and Covid boosters. Im no fan of needles but gotta do what the doc says.


@Gortz aw thanks for your reply. That’s what I thought, so I will go and get it 😏. I have had the flu one in the past anyway as I am a teacher. Ironically didn’t take it last year 🙈. I don’t mind the needles so that’s ok, I can imagine that makes all these things harder. Like you say it’s all for the greater good (hopefully!!) x