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Question about weight...

Hello, just wondering if anyone has had issues with weight loss? I've been trying for over a year and can't lose more than 1 or 2 lbs before I gain again. I'm watching my calories relentlessly, but because exercise is difficult with the MS im really struggling... if anyone has any recommendations I could appreciate them ad I know my weight isn't helping the issues

I exercise for a few minutes in the morning, it’s hardly anything compared to when I was more mobile. I think maybe try eating your main meal earlier on in the day? I rarely eat anything after late afternoon/early evening. I pretty much weigh the same as I was in my late teens still. 🥗


Since you have the calories under control, you might consider your sodium consumption. I had to tell my wife to stop buying tortilla chips before I started to lose weight. I'm still overweight, but my BMI is no longer in the obese category. Another possibility is "leaky gut". Marshmallow root and Slippery Elm bark helps soothe inflammation, but even those weren't enough to calm my gut and weight issues until I eliminated wheat gluten.