Spasticity and charity grant request

2 different things here. Thought combine in one post to make easier for me. 1. Does anyone else find that there legs randomly cross over one another at random times while sitting or lying down. Then trying to un cross them is difficult Just not sure if its something to do with spasticity or what. Do see ms nurse next week so will try to mention then but though post here while on my mind. Any others experience 2. Seen a therapist (or 2) with SALT team. With regard to app to use having done Voice banking. The app costs £150. They mentioned about applying for grant from a charity organisation. Have already had a grant rewarded by local MS Society for my wheelchair but the grant application was made by a member of my care team. Just how do I go about writing a letter for a grant application. My overthinking,anxious mindset is going crazy over though of this. Any advice on applying would be appreciated Also don't want to apply for this app then find i need to make another application in the future for something more expensive and find my details have been crossed off as if the organisation says helped them once so not helping them again. Hope this all makes sense