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DMT side effects - Avonex, Tecfidera, Aubagio

I'm looking for feedback on any side effects people have suffered on either Avonex, Tecfidera or Aubagio. Some of the possible side effects look scary and I'm trying to make a decision on which of the three Ive been offered I should try next. Aubagio looks the less dangerous but I'd like to hear experiences of those who've been on any of the three mentioned here. thanks

Considering you will have your bloods checked every 3 months to monitor the risk of PML, ie you can come off the drug if your Lymphocyte count reaches a risky level, I would consider taking the one with the best relapse reduction stats. To answer your question, for the first month on Tec I had a sore stomach (managed by Omeprazole) and dehydration (managed by Dioralyte). After that it's just been a few hit flushes per week lasting 20 mins.


In spring 18 when I was offered DMDs, had Kesimpta been available I would have opted for it undoubtably.