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Hi Has anyone been itchy due to MS? I have been it hy for a month and my GP thinks it has to do with allergies (as of now I have none) rather than MS. I have tried hydrocortisone, calamine and Reactin. I am being booked an apt with an Allergist. I sent a message to my MS nurse but haven't heard back yet. Anyone else's experience would be appreciated.

Hi, at the end of last year, during the relapse that resulted in my diagnosis, I got an absolutely insatiable and almost inside the muscle itch for months and absolutely nothing would really make it stop it was maddening, I felt like the only way to reach it would be to out a knitting needle inside me! Obviously I didn't do that. The only kind of relief I could get was from ice packs on the area. I also tried various creams and hydrocortisone etc. which did diddly squat. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't wear tight clothes over it, I tried not to scratch it but when I did it just got worse. When it eventually went away I was left with numbness in the same area and then I was diagnosed. My GP prescribed me some specific antihistamines for bedtime which essentially just put me to sleep so that I could at least get some rest as it was lasting so long...I hope whatever your itch is goes away and you're okay!!


Hi I've been itchy ! I think it's allergy related , it's a bit muggy where I am ! I was wondering the same but I do get hay fever so hopefully that! Rachael