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Just wanted to say hi as I just joined :) Currently in a valley of deep fatigue so slowly swapping places between bed and couch while surfing is as good as it gets. But who's complaining, right? Have a good Sunday!

Hey there, it’s so rubbish isn’t it? I do my fair share of that too, I find it so frustrating. How long have you had this spell for? I always feel fatigued but if I’ve had a good day and gone out for some fresh air I can kiss goodbye to the next week.


Hi Victoria, I was diagnosed in 11 with PPMS, then rediagnosed with RRMS a couple years later. Fatigue really started kicking in about 2 or 3 years ago. I recently got Modafinil, which is a little hit or miss, it can make an ok day much better but on other days do nothing at all. You tried any meds for fatigue?