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Eye issue

Does anyone else get this.... I am seeing double but only in my right eye pain under and to the back of my eye. Been of phone with the ms nurse she said it doesn’t sound optic neuritis or classic symptoms of. Please I Just want to know if I’m going mad or not

Hi I've had optic neuritis in alternative eyes over a 5 month period years ago and symptoms were pain on eye movement and blurred vision. I did have diplopia which is double vision in left eye only, which stopped after steroids. If the double vision is a new symptom for you did she not advise to get it checked? Mels 🙂


I contacted the opticians first (with the pandemic I didn’t know if you needed to get appointment 1st) it was the conversation with the optician he advised me to talk to the GP then the GP suggested ms nurse. I haven’t been seen by anyone just spoke to them. Ms nurse is going to talk to the neurologist on Monday. Advised if it gets worse or stops to ring back. Glad to know someone else has had similar Symptoms... it’s a first event for my eyes