Fatigue and employers
Hi Everyone
I have had fatigue on and off during my MS, which was quite strong during a couple of relapses. However it has always been there even when no relapses, but has been manageable, thankfully with no real impact on day to day life or work.
However over the last 6-8 months I have noticed it seems to be getting stronger and when it strikes is more prolonged. It has gotten to the point its really impacting my ability to work and I have to take time out and sleep and work nights or weekends to catchup, it feels like I have just taken a strong sleeping pill. My job is stressful a lot of the time, but it comes and goes albeit is has been relentless over the last few months and wonder is that a contributor?
Has anyone had a similar experience and is there anything that can be done, I am not on any meds as of yet?
Also haS anyone had experience with employers and seeking support during this time as I am starting to think a break from the stress of the job might do me good... if I can agree sometime with employer.
Many thanks
I have found NAD+ easily obtained from Amazon helps with fatigue
I have found a well known product NAD+ obtained from Amazon is helpful for energy. Well known and very popular it is the darling of the longevity movement!