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Vision issue.

I believe i have a nystagmus in my left or maybe both eyes, the right being the lesser. It seems to be going in circles. (My vision, that is) Saw my GP, he doesnt see it. He reffered me to an opthamologist an he couldnt see it either. Just hard to drive sometimes, like when im angry or tired or when its dark outside. So my question is, what else can i do? Im lost in my search for relief. I read that sometimes people with nystagmus are deemed legally blind. Scary to think about.

Vision issues are very common in ms, but we are all so different that what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. I have had the beast for 24 years, and my sight going funny is the sign of a big relapse and I know from personal experience that I need to get to hospital pdq to get intravenous steroids (methyl prednisolone) as quick as possible or I will lose my sight almost completely and as I have a few ms friends who are now registered blind, though as we know, there is nothing wrong with the eyes just confused bits of brain! I don't want to take the chance, having ms and cancer is enough to deal with, couldn't cope with being blind as well😭 But when you have got your neurologist sorted out and the Tecfidera (which I am on as well) has settled in, ask about medication for our eyesight, I am no expert on this but there will be someone on the site who can help😍


By the way forgot to mention Stess, worst thing for ms if that's what it is. You mentioned in your original post that it was worse if you were tired,angry, or at night. Stress may be playing a major role here so cut it out if possible😤