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Low Blood Count

Hi Just had a call from my nurse saying I have a low blood count and I am to stop Betaferon immediately for 1 month. Anyone else had this? Worried that I might relapse and will have to chang drugs, just when I'm getting use to this one. Feeling bery unfestive right at this moment. x

Hi, I've never experienced this but understand how you're feeling as I'm about to change from copaxone to avonex and worry that I'll relapse in the cross-over. However, given how unpredictable our symptoms are anyway, there's no reason to think that stopping your betaferon for a month will necessarily lead to a relapse. My symptoms seem quite strongly related to stress so my advice would be to try not to worry too much and enjoy having Christmas and New Year with no pesky needles and side effects! Fingers crossed your blood count will settle itself and you'll be back on therapy soon. Take care xx


sorry it's white blood count. Thanks for your response Jane. I really hope it will be OK.