just had my pip decision through
Hi all, nit sure if this is the right place but basically was diagnosed at 19 with RRMS, now 33, I work in a warehouse doing a stationary job where i can sit,Applied for PIP last September. Just had my decion letter through, only been awarded standard mobility. However only 2 points off being awarded daily living part, is it worth appealing?
I did and took a few weeks but i did manage to get a increase in my score, was a ball ache though someone did call and in the end and sorted it out, didn't have to supply any additional evidence just points to my eds score on my neru letters, which they already had
You need to appeal. The problem with pip. They don’t look at the conditions. Only how it affects you on a day to day basis. Ask for a reconsideration. When asking put down how it affects your life. And never tell them you have good days. Because that will stop everything. MS never has good days or bad day. Ms just destroys lives.