Hi all, can you let me know if you suffer memory problems with some examples, many thanks x
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Hi April, My memory problems definitely got worse. I already have ADHD, but MS exacerbated it. I will literally forget what I’m doing WHILE I’m doing it. I’ll forget steps in my routines that I’ve done for decades. it’s like my brain glitches and has no idea what code it’s supposed to be processing. Very annoying, but sometimes funny. lol.
This was one of the symptoms that led me to my GP and Neurologist. I had worked in the same industry for 40 years in different roles and found I was having difficulty keeping up in a job I was good at and remembering vital details. I just couldn't cope any more. My husband also commented on my short term memory. I had problems reading and following a story and following tv programmes. I was referred by my MS nurse to a Clinical Psychologist . I underwent a number of tests and they found I have a problem with immediate and working memory and attention if I was distracted in anyway. I was relieved as I thought I may have early onset dementia or a brain tumour. Are you having problems with your memory and have you seen your GP ?