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Ode to Oscar ????

Hey! I've had a well documented, longstanding unrequited love affair with Oscar Wilde for many a year. Regretabbly he was born some years prior to my birth, and the small matter if his being gay, has not dimmed the touch of my love for him. Each day, I ensure I read some of his magic, and today when reflecting upon love and feeling somewhat nostalgic. I revisited these words, and my heart literally burst into song and tears flowed, not for past lovers, but for the genius of the man who has the ability to make me weep with such abandon. Such simplicity but such depth and wisdom. I will always be in love with this man until the day I die... "You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear" Wilde. What really touches your ❤️, like nothing else remotely can? Monica

Torch not touch


Well written young Moni;although for a minute I thought the first paragraph was referring to me!......."Pleasure is Nature’s test, her sign of approval. When man is happy, he is in harmony with himself and his environment"....and so I am.XXX