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Hi all

Nit been on in a while due to lots of factors but here now. Just wanted to bounce this moment of deep thought off you. It occurs to me that being diagnosed with MS is one of the cruelest things going. No real medication, no real understanding of the disease, and not very much support networks. I don’t make light or fun of diagnoses like cancer or the likes however they do have an end game There are medications and ultimately there is an end game You beat it or you die but you have lots of options for treatment and your normally given a window of expectation PPMS my type of MS just takes me bit by bit never knowing how much when or what will fail next. Its a cruel untreatable monster which lurks in the shadows always there to just catch you when least expected Would it have been better to have been diagnosed with cancer ? I don’t know but maybe I would know the end game one way other and a timescale Food for thought in quiet reflective times
Peterborough, United Kingdom

Holy crap, I have felt just like that for 6 years Tried all the diets, did everything I was told and finally thought What's the point?


Just do what you can. As long as you live you got to fight. But when you’re feeling depressed please listen to gospel music, it will change your atmosphere and your mind, listen to Joel osten podcast, they are so resfreshing and will empower you. Always remember god is in control and will never let you down. Don’t worry about the timescale you have, he is in control. What you can’t control just live it to him and he will guide you and sustain you.