Need some advice on bladder/bowel urgency
OK I know this isn't the nicest topic but I think you guys will be the folks to ask. I've lived with bladder/bowel urgency for about 10 years but recently it's bowel urgency I'm really struggling with, I get so stressed when I'm out and worry that I might need to use the bathroom but won't be able to get there quick enough, I had a full on panic attack the other day. How does everyone deal with this, it feels like its the only symptom I can't control đŸ˜”
This is definitely me I basically go to my doctor appointments and My Family RĂ©union In July!!!!!!!!!
I know this might sound like an odd answer and I don't suffer this like you do but I would take Propranolol before I go out because with B/Urgency, MS is one cause and panicking is another. Sorry I can't offer any advice.