Start kesimpta on Monday. Any immune system hacks to pass?
What I should do, or not do? Washing hands of course, got COVID booster sorted on Thursday already..
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hey @Fozzy72 I’ve been on Kesimpta for a few years now and honestly have missed a lot of virus’ that ppl around me got. I take basic commonsense precautions: wash hands, move away from ppl sneezing coughing but that’s about it. It may not be as bad as you’re thinking 🙃
Hey! I agree with @kateeeeeeeee . I started Kesimpta in January. I’ve been on 3 other DMTs prior to this, all injections. I was advised to be sensible but take more care during the first 4 ‘loading’ doses. I did and then continued as normal. All the things you’d know to do already re hand washing, avoiding poorly people when you can and such. 4 months or so on I’m doing everything I always did including public transport and larger gatherings. If anything, now the MS has been able to stabilise, I’m more well than previously. I had every cold/cough etc going. Hopefully you’ll respond well to it and have no problems at all once settled on treatment. Good luck :)