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Achy lower legs/ spasticity ….is massage helpful?

I noticed that several people have posted that they receive deep tissue massage for their leg aching/burning. Did your neurologist suggest this? My doctor has never brought up the possibility of ‘medical massage’ for relief, but it sounds wonderful. Just curious if it gives you some relief? How often do you go. Does your doctor “prescribe it” and, if so, does your insurance cover it as a form of therapy?
Akron, Ohio, USA

I used to have a sports massage, on the company insurance Legs , it was painful but helpful. It was stopped due to the insurance said your MS cannot be cured. And used to have actual puncture., both were helpful , used to go once a week.


I went to a newly diagnosed for RRMS people at the weekend, and the neurologist their told us to massage any areas affected by numbness/tingling as it can help the body process the signals easier, or something to that affect - that’s not a proper massage booking of course but I found it interesting that they recommended us to do that for ourselves too