Annoyed with my sons school :(
I need a rant!! I like most of you suffer with fatigue, add to this a very active 7 year old, and the fact that I'm a single mom and I have to admit I'm struggling :( So I asked my sons school for a bit of extra help and support for Sam so he doesn't fall behind. Their answer was to move him into...
the group of children with learning and or physical difficulties! I'm so angry because it's had the opposite affect, his behaviour is awful and school work suffered. I feel children or parents with an illness or disability are slipping through the net... Any thoughts or experiences you can share would be appreciated xx
Cathy, I can understand your desire to rant. All we ask is for a little understanding, whilst we deal with the hand that we got dealt. You really need to have another word with the school and see if they are capable of listening. You need some support in supporting your boy, not that your boy needs any direct support. Placing him as they have is doing no good for him. He needs to be with his own kind (if that's not an unfair definition!) Talk to them again Cathy Good luck