Diagnosis at last

Hi everyone. I'm 57 & have had this hanging over me for about 4 years 🙁 Been a long road but was finally diagnosed with MS today. My original neurologist diagnosed me with RIS back in 2021! Lesions were found incidentally after investigations for headaches. MRI found multiple lesions in brain none enhancing. Have had lots of symptoms mainly sensory - tingling in feet, twitching, spasms/vibrations in legs/vertigo but in neurologist's words, no obvious neurologic dysfunction! Finally had a lumbar puncture which was positive. He still didn't want to label me with MS as then would have to offer me treatment! I've had a number of follow up scans which haven't shown any changes. Although my latest scan shows a lesion much more clearly! My new neurologist wants to watch & wait for any changes. He said he could put me forward for Ocrevus or Kissempta but these could come with serious risks! I don't know what to do 🙄🤷‍♀️ Has anyone been in a similar situation? Many thanks!