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I’m having a really tough time.

Hi. I’m new here. I am not diagnosed with MS. But I feel like it could be it seems how most everything else has been ruled out. I’ve been experiencing symptoms that are completely ruining my life and I’m scared, I feel ignored by my doctors, all I ever want to do is sleep bc I’m beyond exhausted every second of every single day. I don’t know what to do and just needed somewhere to vent. Thank you for reading.
Cuyahoga Falls, United States

Hi. I remember all the scary thoughts I had before diagnosed. It's terrifying. Express and not repress, is my motto. Have a vent. Write a symptoms diary & take it with you, from the smallest issue that you've had once, to the big things you suffer daily. My daily symptoms are enough to recommend a hospital visit for general population, but I was medically gas-lighted for years, before I found the right doctor who listened to me. You are a you expert & keep pushing. Good luck


The link between ms and mental health is so strong. Whatever your diagnosis might be, look after yourself by taking advice for depression and low mood. You don’t need to wait. You seem such a beautiful person and there is beauty out there to find too. Try to eat well and exercise, find joy in whatever brings it, make time for you in a busy life. And keep talking. We are here but so are so many people in the real world that can help if you let them. This all may sound patronising but I’m only passing on the advice I give myself every week!