


I think I have MS..

Hey everyone for the past year I’ve been developing more and more severe symptoms, I have an MRI booked in for next month, also a endoscopy and colonoscopy, I’ve also got a cardiac monitor test and echocardiogram coming this month.. All my blood tests have been done And everything comes back great, just slightly heightened creatine levels in my kidneys. Which I’ve read MS can affect creatine levels. I’ve not been diagnosed yet, but I have every symptom. Every symptom that I have points towards MS I’m at the point now where I can’t walk for more than about 10 minutes without getting really weak and wobbly and having fatigue. I’m a massage therapist and I worry about how I’m going to make money, I’m currently traveling in my van and housesitting with my partner who I met on the road, but I am barely able to do one massage a day without getting extremely fatigued and sometimes I almost have to stop the massage halfway through, especially if I start to heat up or I’m too cold, or if I overexert myself in the massage in the past, I have had to stop clients halfway through, back then I had no idea what I was dealing with. I just thought I was just sick in someway . A list of symptoms; Extreme and deep fatigue especially after exertion and being in the sun, heat or stress. (Sometimes something as small as a 10 minute walk can set me off.) *feeling of being “full” in the stomach coupled with neausea and fatigue *pain in my stomach / solar plexus region. Deep inside. Sometimes aching. Sometimes with a flipping feeling. *Tingling and shooting sensations and numbness up left leg (in a web like strucrure), right arm (middle finger was completely numb) and face (was tingley and had patches that went numb to the touch) shooting electric shock in my side once also. *Tightness in chest area. (So much so I went to ER, everything was normal on EKG and traponin blood test, but I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack) *Weak and Wobbly legs, especially around the knee area. *Heat and cold intolerance: wobbly legs, difficulty walking in the heat or cold. *Extreme fatigue after a “flare” of getting wobbly from exertion, heat or stress. *Difficulty standing for long periods especially in the heat or sun. *Brain fog. Forgetfulness. Memory and recall issues. *Neausea and the feeling of being full even when I havnt eaten. *Presyncope, the feeling of being about to pass out or fall over, especially when exerting, standing up or in heat or cold or stressed. *Vertigo / dizziness *Pain in solar plexus / stomach area. Feeling as though it is “flipping” *Weakness in the back of my legs. *Newly acquired sensitivity for boat, car & aeroplane (esp during turbulence) motion sickness. *20kg weight loss in 2 months. (This could be from the healthy diet though) this has now stabilized. I’ve even put some back on. *I was getting very shakey if I hadn’t eaten for 3 hours or more (blood sugar was fine no diabetes), but that’s cleared up recently with taking the proton pump inhibitors, so I think I may have had gastritis or an ulcer as a side issue from whatever this is. *Regular Aching, sore and stiff neck and shoulders without any reason or obvious cause *Occasional blurry vision (like I have sleep in my eyes, and I keep blinking to get rid of it) *At night my feet get a strange sensation like when your feet have gone numb and about to start tingling with pins and needles but the pins and needles don’t come. *Feeling hot in a feverish way without actually having a fever. *Bowel issues, diarrhea then constipation. Feeling incomplete after bowel motion. Poor motility (possibly from lack of exercise). *Food sensitivies. Esp Bread pasta Gluten and Sugar, eggs, dairy some grains like lentils & chickpeas really hurt my stomach and cause a lot of pain. *I was getting nauseous after acidic foods like tomato’s, pineapple, oranges, Mandarines, lemon, lime, apple cider vinegar, soft drink, but this went away after the course of proton pump inhibitors now I can eat them all without any issues. * First thing in the morning I am my best after waking up, but from around midday onwards (used to be 3pm onwards) the fatigue sets in depending on how much exertion I’ve done. (It’s like I have a very small battery that gets depleted quite fast, it’s fullest first thing after sleeping but can drain rapidly depending on stressors. Physical activity, socialization. Heat / cold. Everyday tasks take it out of me. Some days I can walk 30 min, other 10 before I get weak and wobbly. Once I’m wobbly it takes hours to stabilize through rest. Sometimes I don’t stabilize until after another nights sleep. Sometimes I’m wobbly and fatigued for days after a “flare”. So I am worried not to over do it. Does this sound similar to you guys? When I put all my symptoms into Google or ChatGPT first thing that comes up is MS. I’m starting to get these really weird sensations at night like tingling all over my body, and the fatigue is getting more and more every day I used to have a few days in between that I was ok, But now it’s every day. I’ve just started doing the autoimmune protocol, diet, and looking into the wahls protocol which is very similar. I’m watching lots of documentaries and reading books and listening to audible books about curing auto immune diseases and healing the gut etc. went and bought $150 worth of fresh produce today and I’ve eliminated gluten wheat dairy sugar, eggs, nuts, nightshades, alcohol caffeine, it’s pretty much leafy grains, vegetables, fruit, bone broth, coconut related products… I’m hoping that eating like this will give me some energy back