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The blog is back!!!

Hey guys Over the past month or so, I’ve really struggled to write my blog. I don’t know if I’ve lost momentum for good, or if it is just a temporary thing whilst things are really hectic personally. Anyway - for this week at least, I’m back!! This one is about how people try and be supportive but no one’s pity is helpful (in my opinion) - this may be a contentious issue and I appreciate that you may not share or support my views!! http://ms-warrior.com/2019/08/03/no-one-needs-pity/

Beautifully put, @zoeb 😊💛


@zoeb Interesting read; I disagree with the concept & I will explain why... Eight billion people on Planet Earth; every 3 seconds - one of them dies. If I shed one tear for each of them, I would be a blubbering idiot... If I then shed a tear for each hungry / homeless / health challenged person - you get my point. The # 1 rule is that we can not help each other unless we take care of ourselves first. Once we are strong enough (financial / health / etc), only then should we try to assist others. Don't get me wrong; if someone close to me (who I care about) needs my help; and I am able to help - I will. But to invest my limited health & funds into a black hole of challenges is not a good idea "for me". Having said that; well written... ;-)