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Reflexes are absent.

Reflexes are absent!.....that’s what my Neurologist discovered when he did the knee tap thing. My walkings gone to dung so sominks not right. Anyone else had this in a physical examination? All the best everyone.

I have an overactive reflex when my neuro bangs my right knee (which is the more impacted leg)... I was curious so I googled it ;-0 as we all do - "When reflex responses are absent this could be a clue that the spinal cord, nerve root, peripheral nerve, or muscle has been damaged. When reflex response is abnormal, it may be due to the disruption of the sensory (feeling) or motor (movement) nerves or both." also a comment to check for compression in the S1 region, so sacral 1. Interesting...do you go to a chiro to have this looked at? I have a massage gal that is phenomenal and can usually sense where physical issue like this are at...She is the one that could tell my 1st rib was moving out of position and banging my collarbone to pinch nerve and causing issues in my left hand...proving, to me, that not all my issues are due to MS and I could exercise my way out of that one ;-) and I have through chiro and working out including belly dance- which was also a lot of fun and giggles ;-)


Also another note...I was questioning if some physical issues (numbness along top of thigh) were due to MS or latent issues from a hip replacement so the Ortho/Surgeon's office did EMG tests. They concluded that my nerves are there and working so the issue goes back to MS. My Neuro didn't believe that conclusion as the "lateral femoral cutaneous nerve" which causes "meralgia paresthetica" isn't part of the central nervous system which is supposed to be the target of MS...but, in my case my lesions must be impacting this area as the EMGs (he repeated them) clearly show the nerves are working but the message isn't getting to my brain. So- I would think the neuro and/or MRIs of the brain and spine would give you answers. Did they do any followup? Any physical issues other than the reflex test? Maybe it is a broken hammer...just kidding - but maybe someone else should try and/or some follow-up tests to provide answers if you are having any difficulties with mobility, etc.