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Doctors prescribed zoplicone

Hi has anyone been prescribed zoplicone 7.5mg for sleep I've been advised to take every other night but heard many horror stories. Has anybody benefitted or had adverse effect with this. Thanks

@scottevans , this seems to be a standard prescription drug for insomnia, https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/zopiclone/ . This drug does come with various warnings about side-effects and potential addiction problems. Have you considered some of the more natural remedies mentioned here :- https://www.mstrust.org.uk/life-ms/wellbeing/sleep ?


I used to find amitriptyline very helpful with sleep but it turns out that it has been responsible for some bladder symptoms. I'd rather have insomnia! So, yes, have a good read of the possible side effects, bearing in mind what I was told: the side effects tend to be worse the older you get..... I now use herbal tablets from time to time and a pillow spray, which seems to work. PM if you want details. Good luck, xk