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MS related blogging

Just thought I'd share my blog with you all.. Sometimes MS related, sometimes not, always just the right amount of odd =) As an aside, does anyone else find themselves muddling things up? I often find myself going to put cereal in the fridge and milk in the cupboard lol

Cereal in the fridge and milk in the cupboard sounds like a morning/breakfast issue............I have the same thing going on. I'll wake up, think right I'm getting meself a glass of juice, next thing I know I'm stood waiting for the kettle to boil...........


i was thinking that a post-it about blogs would be good, too - i have an MS blog (http://itsashitbusiness.blogspot.com/) and a music blog (http://dominorally.blogspot.com/). i also have a super-power which means i can lose keys while they're in my hand...