Set up a monthly donation

Your donation of £3 per month can help a new member through their first year.

They are going through what we all know can be a particularly tough time - and they now face that with the additional stresses that Covid-19 has created.

We rely on donations to ensure the forum - and other services - can continue to be available for every MSer who needs support, whenever they need it, no matter where in the world they might be, or what they might be going through.

So please help us to continue supporting MSers who are at the start of their ‘MS journey’, as well as anyone in who needs our support along the way.

If you sign up to donate £3 a month - it’s enough to help a new member through their first year.

We need to ensure continues to be that safe place MSers can turn to, where they can connect and share with people who understand what they’re experiencing and how they’re feeling.

Because the lived experience of this unique community of MSers means we can help them through.

Please help us make sure we're always here for every MSer who needs us, by starting your monthly £3 donation to support a new community member today. So whatever they are going through, they don’t feel they are going through it alone.

With your help, we can make sure we’re always there for every MSer who needs us. Thank you.

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