Thought I Would Feel Better Getting My Appointment Through
Today I received my first appointment with the neurologist in finding out what has been going on for me recently. I had no expectation of when I would receive this, and fully expected to be waiting a while before I would hear anything.
However, now that I know the date, I feel incredibly anxious. That said, I have been experiencing a heightened state of anxiety for a while now, but in the last couple of weeks it has been particularly unpleasant, with my evenings worse in terms of how intense the dread can feel.
How did you all feel approaching your initial appointments when going through diagnosis? How was your experience of meeting the consultant? Is anyone here also in the position of waiting for their first appointment?
I’m sorry to hear that but probably it’s normal or to be expected. In my own experience I felt lighter as I went through the diagnostic process (doctor -> physio -> neuro surgeon -> neurologist -> MS clinic -> confirmed diagnosis) … but anxiety and worrying about the near & long term has increased significantly since. I’m not sure there is any escaping it to be honest. Somehow you just have to let it wash over you and accept it happens but things are probably not as bad as you are thinking right now. I wish I could be of greater help.
In my own experience 24 years ago I only needed confirmation that I did have MS. I’d already told my doctor so when the answer came back as ‘sorry to tell you……..’ I replied ‘ thank goodness for that’ My biggest concern was that o would need more invasive tests!!