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I'm fairly new here, but I seen a comment where someone claimed that MS will only affect you as much as you allow it. Now I'm only recently diagnosed but have been ill for 3 years - and let me tell you - I'm messed up. My sister has RRMS and hasn't had half the symptoms I've had and she's managed to keep working, driving etc - things which I have not been able to do My friends mother also had RRMS for about ten years before in the space of the next 4 she declined rapidly and passed. I'm just wondering - is there a bit of naivety amongst suffers as I seen a lot of this dismissive stuff on FB Groups? I was told by neuro that your symptoms are a direct result of where the lesions form in the brain and cord, so I'm wondering - does everyone know this? Does everyone know that everyone's MS is different? Because I'm trying to understand the happy clappers 🤔 Are they in denial? Or just very fortunate and so possibly a little bit ignorant? It makes me want to hold back commenting on their posts, because as well as my own recent experience, I've seen how dramatically and quickly this condition can take you down if it pleases in others and so I don't understand these types of comments. Thoughts?

perception is in the eye of the beholder. personally i think its ignorant to deny the scientific facts of what MS is and how differently it can affect people. but also, i think an open and resilient mindset is part of navigating the mental part of diagnosis. there may not be a “cure” but we can’t expect results if we don’t try. do your research, talk to your doctors, and just try to focus on what’s best for you. its a balance we gotta find. other people will figure their stuff out sooner or later


I'm only recently diagnosed too... but I agree with you sentiment. And these people who are selling their health miracles because they have done xyz and haven't had a significant relapse my strong feeling is they have RRMS and they just happen to be in remission. I am fortunate that my symptoms so far are pretty mild and I have made lifestyle changes but that is future proofing alongside side taking dmt. All this being said my MS nurse told me to take care of my mental health as a priority because she said when that declines she sees big declines in her patients ms.