Can I please ask, those of you in the uk that have been diagnosed a while but not on treatment, what is the reason for this? NHS or a personal choice ?
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It’s coming up to two years since I was diagnosed with ms, baclofen is the only medication I have. But I was given this before my official diagnosis. Once diagnosed I was put up to 40mg of baclofen. In the two years nearly diagnosed I’ve seen no one. Just this last week my symptoms have progressed. And still no appointments made for me. So I just think it’s NHS I will have to go private if nothin is sorted. Tim
It’s been 25 years since I was initially dx. I didn’t start on my first DMT until 9 years later. I was on various DMDs for 15 years. I decided to stop conventional treatment for now, due to suffering a number of quite serious unwanted side-effects, over the last few years.