Medication post

Good morning all I had my freak out post yesterday. Today I’m a little more composed lol. I have an appointment in the 28th to discuss meds. I’m uk based. Midlands area. I know meds are different for everyone. I don’t even know what type of ms I have yet. I’m hoping relapsing and looking back I had similar issues 14 years ago. And a weakness in one side over the odd year since but used to ultra run so always assumed it was a tiredness thing. But then this past year everything has progressed so much. So would it be progressive? I just don’t know. Anyway rambling again. For those that have tried various meds, any advice ? Has one come out on top for most people ? Any most people steer clear of. Anyone here that’s had stem cell treatment and it been successful ? Looking for positivity today. I know it’s different for everyone but I could really do with some encouragement today and some stories of meds that have really helped 😊