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Change PIP & sign the Sign the petition

From my LinkedIn post from last month. Hi everyone, Ola todos Happy Friday. Boa sexta-feira. I need your help. Help me and many other disabled individuals with PIP. Please sign this petition to help us reach 20,000? Help me and UK's MS Society! Sign the petition- https://campaigns.mssociety.org.uk/page/132339/petition/1?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_campaign=2023M7210_8461&utm_content=autumn2023&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj5mpBhDJARIsAOVjBdrLkQ6v7NxwNXL6B5-KpCY_C-Dfuv9qKDQH2vQNNdTyGEN3EDOYeNcaAroxEALw_wcB It’s the tenth anniversary of PIP, but we won’t be celebrating. Ten years of a broken PIP system has meant a decade of stress, indignity and humiliation for people with MS.   The UK Government must fix PIP. Sign our petition to call on the Government for a full review to fix PIP. What is PIP? From GOV.UK. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both: A long-term physical or mental health condition or disability. Difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition. You can get PIP even if you’re working, have savings or are getting most other benefits. You might think well, you already pay tax, why should disabled individuals receive extra help? I am a higher rate taxpayer and everyone who genuinely is disabled especially chronic diseases, should receive help. We have a lot of costs in terms of medicine, no it is not free and we need to constantly purchase different things to help us adapt to a daily life and routine. Also on educating ourselves on what we have, trying different health alternatives which can be extremely expensive. Extra costs such as therapy or counselling, physiotherapy, personal training to help with mobility and strength, etc. Doesn't work offer you private health insurance? If the NHS diagnoses you, it becomes a pre-existing condition and will not be covered. For example from BUPA- Your policy may cover you for diagnosis and some tests if you're unwell. However, once a chronic condition is diagnosed, health insurance cover for it is usually no longer available. The NHS will provide the ongoing management, screening and monitoring of the condition. https://lnkd.in/e8nrrCt8 If a private health insurer does not diagnose you, it is extremely hard be covered. Please help me & others! Make a difference by simply signing the petition. The disabled world is ugly, unfair & unkind but it does not have to be. Thanks, have a good weekend. Obrigado, bom fim de semana.

Make sure to sign the petition if you live in the UK. This is our opportunity to help PIP change, don't miss it